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RSNA Embargo Policy

An embargo is a hold put on reporting of news stories based upon a predetermined date of release. Journalists who agree to abide by the RSNA embargo policy may be given advance access to materials to assist in their reporting of stories in a timely manner.

RSNA makes available pre-publication copies of articles appearing in the journal Radiology, news releases, images, interviews and other support materials, to qualified members of the media who agree to abide by the embargo date set forth by RSNA. Journal studies that are highlighted in news releases distributed by RSNA are typically embargoed until 10:00 a.m. Eastern Time on the date set forth by RSNA. Typically, this date coincides with online publication of the study in Radiology. All other studies in the journal are embargoed until the date and time of online publication.

RSNA does not permit the posting of full text journal articles on other websites. Media may link to a specific article or abstract.

RSNA Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
RSNA makes available advance copies of abstracts presented at our scientific assembly and annual meeting, as well as images, interviews and other support materials, to qualified members of the media who agree to abide by the embargo policy set forth by RSNA.

All materials related to presentations that are highlighted by press releases at the annual meeting are embargoed until the date and time set forth by RSNA.

Note: Abstracts published online in advance of the annual meeting are for informational purposes only and often do not contain up-to-date study numbers and findings. Journalists wishing to report on such abstracts should contact the RSNA Media Relations team for assistance in obtaining current and accurate information and must abide by the RSNA embargo policy governing publication of study materials beyond the published abstract.

Other RSNA News
Other news released by RSNA is subject to embargo set forth by RSNA in event-specific news release documents.

Embargo Change
In the event of an embargo change, media on RSNA's news distribution list will be notified by e-mail of the revised embargo date and time, and the change will be posted in the embargoed access area for media on RSNA.org

Embargo Break
Media who break an embargo may be excluded from distribution of all future advance materials and/or removed from the RSNA embargoed access list at the discretion of RSNA.

For questions about RSNA's embargo policy, please contact Media Relations staff at (630) 590-7762 or media@rsna.org