RSNA in Brief—Q1 2023
Released: April 14, 2023
- RSNA Media Relations
1-630-590-7762 - Linda Brooks
RSNA 2023 Will Highlight Ways to Lead through Change
Planning is underway for RSNA 2023, taking place Nov. 26-30 at McCormick Place in Chicago. RSNA 2023 will center on how radiology professionals can be intentional and proactive leading teams and organizations through change in an uncertain health care environment. Visit for updates on RSNA 2023. Take advantage of discounted rates by reserving your preferred hotel early for RSNA 2023.
RSNA 2023 Abstract Submission Closing Soon
The online system for submitting abstracts for RSNA 2023 will close Wednesday, May 3, at noon CT. Abstracts are required for scientific presentations, education exhibits and quality improvement reports. For more information, contact, 1-877-776-2227 (U.S. and Canada) or 1-630-571-2670 (outside the U.S. and Canada).
Last Call for RSNA 2022
Virtual Access for RSNA 2022 offers nearly all meeting content until May 1, 2023. Registrants can take advantage of the opportunity to attend the education and science sessions and earn CME at their convenience. If you have not already done so, register at to access educational programming, scientific presentations, education exhibits and digital scientific posters.
Registration Open for Two Upcoming AI Spotlight Courses
Registration is now open for two RSNA Spotlight Courses on AI. In “AI Adoption and Implementation: Applications and Opportunities in Radiology,” May 19–20, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, participants will develop a deeper understanding of AI products, mechanisms, concepts and implementation challenges in a variety of subspecialties. Register. In “AI Implementation: Building Expertise and Influence,” May 26-27, London, England, attendees will learn about the foundations of AI, machine learning and deep learning in medical imaging. Register.
Enrollment Open for the RSNA Imaging AI Advanced Certificate
Registration is open for the RSNA Imaging AI Advanced Certificate course. Building on the proven success of the RSNA Imaging AI Foundational Certificate, the Advanced Certificate course is the next step along the pathway to learning how to leverage AI in practice and for career advancement. Participants will develop a deeper understanding of the pitfalls of dataset curation, pre-processing and annotation. They will also become familiar with the regulatory environment and clinical AI marketplace and discuss ethical considerations of AI in health care. Learn more at
Healthcare Implications of Large Language Models like ChatGPT - Webinar
RSNA will host a free one-hour webinar April 19, 2023, 1-2 p.m. CT, where leading radiologists discuss the pros, cons, opportunities and implications of adopting large language models such as ChatGPT in radiology. ChatGPT, an AI chatbot designed to mirror intuitive human conversation, is taking the world by storm with its ability to significantly impact patient care and the bottom line across industries and professions. Register.
JPR 2023 Hosts Building Connections Across the Americas Event
RSNA’s “Building Connections Across the Americas: Addressing Access to Radiology” will hold its third event during the Sociedade Paulista de Radiologia e Diagnóstico por Imagem (SPR) annual meeting, the Jornada Paulista de Radiologia (JPR 2023, April 27-30, in São Paulo, Brazil). The event will provide further opportunities for radiology practitioners and government health representatives to share ideas and establish working relationships. Those interested in attending this event must register for JPR 2023. Additional session registration is not required.
The Building Connections Across the Americas program, funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), was launched in 2022 to help address deficiencies and barriers in radiology education and practice across the Americas and to improve the quality and safety of patient care. Previous events have been held at RSNA 2022 and at the RSNA Global Learning Center in Quito, Ecuador.
MIDRC Announces April Seminar Speaker
Members of the medical community can attend one or more of the virtual Medical Imaging and Data Resource Center (MIDRC) seminars scheduled on the third Tuesday of every month at 2 p.m. CT. At the April 18 seminar, Chris Meyer, Ph.D., from the University of Chicago will present “What’s New in the MIDRC Data Explorer for Cohort Building.” MIDRC virtual seminars are free and open to everyone. Seminar registration is required to attend.
MIDRC Data Sharing Satisfies New NIH Policy
NIH has issued a Data Sharing Policy that requires all researchers applying for NIH funding on or after January 25, 2023 to have a plan for data management and sharing. This policy will greatly improve access to data and promote replicability but may put a new burden on research efforts. The data management experts at MIDRC can assist researchers in satisfying the requirements of the NIH policy. A benefit of sharing on MIDRC is that the data are well curated and AI/ML ready. For more information, contact
RSNA Offers Advanced Course in Grant Writing
Applications are now being accepted for this course designed to help participants prepare and submit a National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, or equivalent, grant application. The course, held at RSNA Headquarters in Oak Brook, IL, will consist of four 1½-day sessions:
- Session I – Sept. 22–23, 2023 (in-person)
- Session II – Oct. 27–28, 2023 (virtual)
- Session III – Jan. 26–27, 2024 (virtual)
- Session IV – March 8–9, 2024 (in-person)
Accepted participants are responsible for travel expenses for each in-person session. Hotel accommodations will be provided by RSNA. The Society of Interventional Radiology (SIR) Foundation will provide up to four travel awards for selected interventional radiology participants (sponsored applicants must be SIR members). There are no course fees. The application deadline is July 1, 2023. For more information, visit
Deadline Approaching for RSNA Editorial Fellowship Applications
May 1 is the application deadline for the RSNA William W. Olmsted Editorial Fellowship for Trainees and the RSNA William R. Eyler Editorial Fellowship. Both fellowships offer the opportunity to work with Radiology Editor Linda Moy, M.D., in New York City, and RadioGraphics Editor Christine Cooky Menias, M.D., in Phoenix. The Eyler fellowship lasts three weeks and provides an opportunity for mid-career radiologists to further their experience in radiologic journalism. The Eyler fellow will work with the RadioGraphics editorial team at RSNA 2023. The Olmsted fellowship lasts one week and is intended for residents and fellows in training interested in scholarly publication and editorial processes at medical journal offices. Each fellow will also visit the Publications Department at RSNA headquarters in Oak Brook, IL. Learn more and apply by visiting
Trainees Sought for RSNA Editorial Boards
RSNA Journals Trainee Editorial Boards (TEB) are seeking new volunteers to contribute to the future of radiology research and education. TEB members assist by creating educational content as they learn about editing, reviewing and promoting articles for RSNA’s premier peer-reviewed journals. Resources created by TEB members are published weekly and include journal articles, educational content, videos and podcast episodes, among other content. Applications are now open, and all TEB terms begin July 1. Learn about specific TEB qualifications, submission requirements and duties at
RSNA/AUR/ARRS Introduction to Academic Radiology (ITAR) Program
Sponsored by RSNA, the American Roentgen Ray Society (ARRS) and Association of University Radiologists (AUR), the ITAR program exposes second-year residents to academic radiology, demonstrates the importance of research in radiologic sciences, illustrates the excitement of research careers and introduces residents to successful clinical radiology researchers. Successful applicants will be assigned to either a seminar held during the RSNA annual meeting in Chicago, Nov. 26–30, 2023, or the ARRS annual meeting held in Boston, May 5–9, 2024. A $1,000 award will be made to the departments of accepted applicants to be used to help advance the applicants’ academic careers. There are no fees associated with this program. The application deadline is July 15, 2023. For more information and to apply, visit
Introduction to Academic Radiology for Scientists (ITARSc)
RSNA has expanded its ITAR program to include postdoctoral fellows and junior researchers in the imaging sciences and biomedical engineering. Postdoctoral fellows and early-stage researchers in these specialties who received their degrees within the past six years are invited to apply for this opportunity to participate in a dynamic program held during RSNA 2023. Selected participants will receive a $1,000 stipend to offset travel and hotel costs as well as free registration for the RSNA annual meeting. The application deadline is July 1, 2023. For more information or to apply, visit
Introduction to Academic Radiology for Junior Faculty (ITARJF)
Junior faculty members who have been out of training for no more than five years and who are interested in becoming involved in radiology research either as a principal investigator (PI), co-PI, or as a collaborator are invited to apply for ITARJF. Selected applicants will participate in a dynamic program held during RSNA 2023. Participants must be members of RSNA. If selected, ITARJF participants will receive a $500 stipend to offset travel and hotel costs. The application deadline is July 15, 2023. Application forms are available at
Clinical Trials Methodology Workshop
RSNA will hold a six-day Clinical Trials Methodology Workshop, January 6-12, 2024, where attendees will gain knowledge in writing trials that evaluate novel imaging or image-guided interventions. Participants will be selected through a competitive application process. Applicants are required to have familiarity with basic concepts and techniques of statistics and study design.
Successful applicants will participate in advance preparation, didactic sessions, one-on-one mentoring, small-group discussions, self-study and individual protocol development. There are no fees associated with this workshop, but participants are responsible for all travel expenses and hotel accommodations. The SIR Foundation will provide up to four travel awards for selected interventional radiology participants. Sponsored applicants must be SIR members. Access applications and additional information online, or contact RSNA staff at with questions.
RSNA is an association of radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and related scientists, promoting excellence in patient care and health care delivery through education, research and technologic innovation. The Society is based in Oak Brook, Illinois. (