RSNA Signs Transitional Deal with Jisc
Released: June 14, 2021
- RSNA Media Relations
1-630-590-7762 - Linda Brooks
1-630-590-7738 - Katherine Anderson
OAK BROOK, Ill. (June 14, 2021) — The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) has signed a transitional “Read and Publish” agreement with Jisc, an education and research not-for-profit organization based in the United Kingdom. This transitional agreement offers unlimited access to RSNA’s flagship journal Radiology and the Society’s premier education journal RadioGraphics, along with unlimited open access publishing for Original Research, Technical Developments, Erratum and Data Resources articles for corresponding authors at participating institutions.
“RSNA is committed to providing open access options to researchers and institutions,” said Angela Colmone, Ph.D., assistant executive director of science and publications at RSNA. “This agreement offers unlimited open access publishing for the U.K.’s most important research articles in RSNA’s journals. We are excited about this new partnership with Jisc.”
Radiology has long been recognized as the authoritative reference for the most current, clinically relevant and highest quality research in the field of radiology. Each month the journal publishes approximately 300 pages of peer-reviewed original research, authoritative reviews, well-balanced commentary on significant articles, and expert opinion on new techniques and technologies. With an impact factor of 7.931, Radiology is one of the top cited journals in the field. The journal is edited by David A. Bluemke, M.D., Ph.D.
RadioGraphics is one of the leading education journals in diagnostic radiology. Featuring superior quality images, each bimonthly issue features 15–20 practice-focused articles spanning the full spectrum of radiologic subspecialties and addressing topics such as diagnostic imaging techniques, imaging features of a disease or group of diseases, radiologic-pathologic correlation, practice policy and quality initiatives, imaging physics, informatics, and lifelong learning. The journal is edited by Christine (Cooky) O. Menias, M.D.
“We’re delighted to offer this agreement,” said Anna Vernon, licensing manager at Jisc. “Not only does this transformative agreement support the U.K. in the transition to open access, it will help provide the latest radiologic research and education for use and reuse at no charge by physicians, radiologists, and researchers alike. An estimated 50% of U.K. research is now covered by a Jisc-negotiated transformative agreement making content freely available to read and reuse in the long term.”
The agreement runs through December 2022.
RSNA is an association of radiologists, radiation oncologists, medical physicists and related scientists promoting excellence in patient care and health care delivery through education, research and technologic innovation. The Society is based in Oak Brook, Illinois. (